C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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README OLD 3200 4-15-83 8:13a
originally for roff4 public domain submission.
README2 OLD 3650 12-04-88 5:08p
originally for roff4 public domain submission.
README3 1376 8-29-89 9:49p
roff5 file to produce README3.OUT, directly below:
README3 OUT 1408 8-29-89 9:50p
introduction of this ROFF5 to the public domain
ROFF5 DOC 46987 8-29-89 8:56p
DOCUMENTATION for ROFF5 formatter!
MA DOC 9011 9-03-89 10:32a
DOCUMENTATION for MA macro package
MA SRC 7444 8-29-89 10:08p
source for roff5 to produce MA.DOC, immediately above.
ROFF5 EXE 62651 9-03-89 9:49a
technical text formatter; should work in any MS-DOS environment
ROFF5 H 10628 8-14-89 7:23p
C header file; placed within same directory as stdio.h
ROFF55 C 10467 9-03-89 9:42a |---------------
ROFF51 C 12194 9-03-89 9:31a |
ROFF52 C 14934 9-03-89 9:33a | c source
ROFF5 C 9751 9-03-89 9:36a |
ROFF53 C 10590 9-03-89 9:38a | files
ROFF54 C 10627 9-03-89 9:40a |
ROFF56 C 10181 9-03-89 9:43a |
ROFF57 C 9391 9-03-89 9:44a |
ROFF58 C 13435 9-03-89 9:45a |---------------
ROFF5 FNC 9219 8-19-89 10:08a
"include" file for describing all functions in above source.
ROFF5 PRJ 306 9-03-89 9:48a
used to compile all modules with Turbo C, Ver 2.0
ROFF5 LNK 1533 1-30-88 10:12a
description of internal linked list structures used by roff5
TCCONFIG TC 1690 9-03-89 9:50a
used to compile all modules with Turbo C, Ver 2.0
COPY RIT 538 8-07-89 3:41a
COPY RIGHT NOTICE (do not remove!!!,otherwise free usage)
IGNORE 248 8-05-89 2:38p
test and demo file
ONE 256 4-15-83 8:10a |----------
TWO 256 4-15-83 8:10a | demo with "ZERO"
THREE 384 4-15-83 8:11a |---------
NM 1490 8-06-89 8:49p
test and demo file
NEC3525 2688 4-15-83 8:12a
(old roff4) printer setup file for NEC spinwriter
MX80 4948 9-03-89 11:05a
printer setup file for Epson MX80, AT&T 473, IBM compatibles?
ML92 7136 7-07-89 11:32a
printer setup file for Microline 92
FORM 568 7-29-89 9:14p |----------------------
MATRIX 284 7-29-89 9:29p |
OFFSET 2678 8-05-89 5:37p |
WHEN 2595 8-21-89 9:05p |
TESTDIV 553 4-30-89 7:59p |
VSERR 743 4-16-89 9:06a |
ADJUST 2886 12-17-88 10:53a |
DTTEST 564 4-29-89 11:12p | test and demo files
TABS 1503 4-16-89 9:21a |
TABC 305 12-17-88 8:44p |
TABL 305 12-17-88 8:45p |
TABR 478 12-17-88 8:45p |
SOH 326 7-29-89 10:01p |
IF 582 7-29-89 10:44a |
EM 644 8-14-89 9:51p |-----------------------
MA 4286 8-29-89 9:59p
General macro package (see ma.doc)
TITLE 435 3-07-89 7:50p |-----------------------
INTRAP 470 3-09-89 9:26p |
TABDOT 813 4-16-89 9:32a |
ENVIRNS 590 7-29-89 8:45p | test and demo files
TITLEDIV 854 8-05-89 1:51p |
EVAL 339 3-14-89 7:13p |
IE 546 4-13-89 9:07p |
ZERO 396 7-29-89 7:59p |-----------------------
55 File(s) 30720 bytes free